Close crop of fresh lavender bouquet with dark purple buds

Taking a little break.

I started Tullamore Lavender Co. in the summer of 2019, and since then I really haven't taken a proper break. Well, I did take a break during my maternity leave in 2021. But.... that wasn't really a break ;)

Anyways, this winter, I'm taking an online (shop + social media) hiatus. The little time away from Tullamore's online presence will help re-set my energy for the 2025 bloom season, and force me to focus on making our lavender products. 

I gotta make stuff

Yup, I make many of our products. Winter has become my product making season. I used to do a little here and there all year round, but I found it much easier last year to do as much as possible at once. 

I make the sachets, the bath soaks, lavender + wool lambs, eye pillows + compresses (with the help of a seamstress who sews the covers). I also work with other small-batch makers to create our coffee and pancake + scone mixes. And this year I'm working on collaborations to make new products with our very own lavender essential oil! 

All of this takes a lot of dedicated time and focus, which is nearly impossible once nice weather arrives and farm work piles up. 

And to be honest my creative brain struggles to focus - wanting to jump from project to project - so sectioning off my tasks helps me to maintain my attention.

Letting go of fear

Part of this break is also forcing myself to let go of some fear. As a small business owner, it's scary to officially step away for a bit. But honestly, I've been languishing in the "in between". The constant internal monologue of thinking I should be posting something, working on marketing, sending out a newsletter, tweaking my online site or SEO descriptions... but then not having the creative energy to do it.... and then kicking myself over... is not working.

So, I am letting go of the (outlandish) fear that I will miss out on some wild opportunity, or that my business will die due to a few months of rest. That's just not going to happen. Yup, I said it.

See you in March 2025

Our online shop and social media accounts will be back up-and-running in March 2025. If for some reason you need/want to connect with me, you can always reach me via

See you soon,
xo, Stephanie


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